Friday, January 01, 2010

Another year is coming to close(In fact, it already will have by the time I post this one). All day(31st Dec) I kept asking people, "How was this year for you?" and it was nice to see the kind of responses I got. The diplomats that they are, some said - it was just OK, some got all philosophical as to how they can't say and that it all depending on their mood, some said it was an amazing year, for others it was the worst year of their life as they had lost a loved one. A mixed bag of answers really, as for me, well its been an absolutely amazing year - SIMPLY FABULOUS!! ( I know you are looking for a but here, but there isn't a but). I've got to meet some really amazing people and really got a chance to look at things in a different perspective. So this year(2009) is FAB, a gut feeling says that 2010 is going to be big, big for everyone(My gut isn't always right, but its a nice feeling when it's positive)
If you remember my last years post at about new year time, apart from the fact that it was crappy, it was also very negative. Things have changed a lot since then, and its a nice feeling to know I have a changed view of things. A good friend of mine told me that this(New Year Celebrations) was one occasion that the entire world celebrated without any caste,creed or color barriers and now after exactly one whole year, I think I understand what my friend meant(Yes, I am thick headed sometimes).
So here's wishing all my readers(if any) a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May all of you work hard and party harder!!

Continuing my signature style... I'm leaving you with a question.
How has 2009 been for you?


Anonymous said...

Mixed Bag!

Srinija said...

That was a crisp answer! Nice, keep visiting!!

Anonymous said...

Hi...2009 was very exciting, challenging and I guess on the whole it was a pretty amazing year...BUT "philosophically", you know, its the way you see it..!!

Anyways, I guess you had a blast with maximum posts in your blog last congrats and Happy BloGGing...!!


PS: Looking forward for your next post with your painting attached to it...So dig your shelf and get your hands on some paints and brushes..!

Jyothi said...

I know its 3 months past new year... But I just read it....
Anyways..... I dropped by just to say.... How glad I am for you....
An article without a 'but' in your blog or mine is simple a good enough reason to party....

Well... 2009 and 2010 so far.... is just passing for me.... well.... I have some promises... donno where these promises will take me.....

Unknown said...

Hi Srini...
Very very belated new year wishes... :P

Whatever happened in 2009 was unexpected but turned out to be good for me..
Whatever is happening in 2010 is expected but turning out to be worse :(

Any way all the Best for ur future

Faiz Shariff said...


Srinija said...

Wow Faiz... that's quite a complement. Thanks!