Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Love happens to be the best paradox existing in this world…it is termed as the sweetest and most wonderful of experiences, at the same time it is also said to be a feeling of agony like no other. It might be the pain that bores deep into your heart and breaks it into millions of pieces but it’s a feeling all of us desperate to feel. Now lets come to the more difficult question…What is love?? Well is it selfless sacrifice? Or a feeling that has to result in union of two hearts no matter what the consequences are? Well these are questions that have been tossed over and over again in the history of time….and the fact of the matter is that nobody has an answer….its all a part of the game…the GAME OF LIFE…
As the times have changed so has the definition of love, and people have different ways of looking at this phenomenon, which is inevitable in everyone’s life. For some “Love is life” while for others “love is just a part of life”. Based on either one of these ideologies, people frame how their life functions. For those who function with their heart it is life and for those who function with their heads it’s just a part of life. Does it really matter how one sees LOVE in life?? I really don’t know…. it is all inter-dependent, it depends on what his priorities are, what his duties and responsibilities are, what is his background is etc….
Whatever might be your analysis, no matter how hard you try, if cupid wants to strike you, there is absolutely nothing you can do so…Be prepared for the pain of your life or the joy of a lifetime…

Saturday, July 09, 2005


They say everything that happens, happens for your good,but it does become really hard to see that at times when all you can see is the grief that lies ahead of you,all you can see is the pain that you will be going through,but the hardest part of it is knowing all of it and not being able to do anything about it.It's a feeling of frustration and irritation,its like knowing there is a ditch ahead,knowing you will fall into it and still not being able to avoid it.This is the time when you really feel vexed of everything,I am not sure how many of you have actually been through such a feeling,but trust me you don't.
When you are in such a situation all you can do is have that tiny ray of hope,hope as into seeing things go the other way,seeing things through rose colored glass.That's when you smile that's when you feel 'okay' and that is exactly what makes you human.No matter how bad the situation is,you always have a deep down hope, a feeling that things might not go that way,that's human and that's the way life goes.....Sometimes things turn out just fine and at other times they don't.We just adapt to the circumstances and move on.....That's how we humans are...