Saturday, September 30, 2006

The face of the inner mind

In today's world people are often left out with little time for emotions, little time for love and even less time for loved ones...
The sun rises and the sun sets and things jus go on... Lets take a normal working man... he's in the so called IT industry which is expanding every second... he's everything that today’s youth represents clubs,parties,gadgets and money. He finds himself 'enjoying life' or so it is termed by the youth today. He finds himself sitting among a group of friends at the hottest club in town... as the alcohol in his hand slowly goes down his throat a thought strikes him, it hits upon him that he is completely alone, that he has no one by his side (Ever had that feeling of being in a group yet felt as if you were all alone)
He makes a silly excuse to his 'friends' and comes back to his posh apartment (not 'home').He enters the dark living room, switches on the lights as if to find someone...he wants to talk to someone... someone who'll just hear him out... but no ones around and it’s too late to be calling family...
He gets frantic and searches the entire house as if to look for something... rather someone... Disheartened and disappointed he comes back to his 'living room'(where only he lives) sits in front of the TV and watches(not actually watch but flipping through channels looking for 'something') till he dozes off..
The next day...sun rises and again he falls back into his routine... the same schedules, the same deadlines, the same parties and life... well life just goes on...
I too am a part of this youth and have taken time to be introspective... is this the life of youth today?? Are we 'enjoying' life or have we forgotten what life means in the first place?

Friday, September 01, 2006

...Generation Gap...

Remember when generation gap meant the difference in opinion between you and your parents, but now things are much different… I feel there is a generation gap for every 5 years. There are remarkable changes in just a matter of 5 years. Don’t you think people who are just 5 years are old fashioned, and the ones who are younger than you are much ahead of you? Times are changing fast, at 18 if you are not with someone it’s uncool-for us but I know juniors who feel it’s uncool to not be hitched at the age of 13.
What’s the difference?? Why is our younger generation much faster? Is it the over exposure given by today’s media… or is it our influence on them, that has made them move faster... Is it ok the way the world is going on?? I bet at this rate times will come when babies start looking for true love right from the time they get to open their eyes… Is this called progression or rather evolution?? For better or for worse its happening and there’s no stopping it. It’s like this circle, where you are walking and you are bound to get what you left…

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The bias

This is coming much after mother's day and father's day,but this post of mine is dedicated to mums and dads. Mum is the word when it comes to having love for their kids... Why is it so? Have you ever seen a picture like this with a dad in place of mom?? My guess is no. That makes me wonder why dad's don't get the same kind of credit for the love they shower on their kids as mom's.Is it simply because dad's are not emotionally expressive or is it because guys and emotion don't go well...or is it just a bias that exists in our social system... I really haven't been able to figure this one out...
I really feel that the love parents have for their kids doesn't change,the emotion is not tampered with age,it simply ripens with age,becomes better with time like wine. Anyway this article is meant to show that, its not mum or dad,its our parents love that never changes,no matter what else changes in this world... Its one thing we can count on where everthing and everyone else turns our back on us....

P.S-I bet most of my readers won't agree with me.. but I'm not talking about personal lives but about general perception... Although the trend seems to be slowly changing..

Friday, June 02, 2006

The silence of the trees

Sorry for the break I took, I was quite busy cramming for my exams. But now that they are finished I’m free as a bird… I also happened to have visited my brother recently. My trip was by bus and at night, you know when you got to the outskirts of any city, you happen to notice a lot of trees… mostly trees that are dried out, well I too noticed some…
As simple as these trees look, they just got me thinking… these trees are so solemn, so silent. They just witness everything that goes by them without even a shake of a branch (I don’t mean they can move if they want to, bear with me for a while and I’ll get to the point). They just watch, it doesn’t affect them or change them, life goes on for them. It got me to wonder if ever humans could be like that, if humans could ever live their life without being bothered about the circumstances. That I would say is a task quite impractical and simply impossible. We humans are affected even by the slightest movement in the room,though it doesn’t concern us in anyway. Wish we could be more stable, more self sufficient in terms of not being affected by things. In one way we are, when we don't bother about certain things, but that's not stability, it's simply ignoring the facts and not acknowledging events. Stability of this kind is a distant dream, but if ever achieved then probably we could understand the silence of the trees in its true sense.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The eyes that speak.

Eyes i believe are the most powerful way of communication and probably the best. Simply by the way you look at a person can speak volumes. Its not showing what you feel but its just something that is evident and that is quite very obvious. But the pitiful thing about this form of communication is that often people don't realize it exists...truly,its a pity,so I wanted to enlighten all bloggers about this form of communication.Just look into her eyes...don't they say so much to you?? So the next time you see someone....actually look at their eyes, I promise you can see right into their hearts..

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Flowers in the waiting

What do YOU see in the painting?? Please comment.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Have you ever wondered??

'Nisha' is my blog name,but do you know what it means it means the 'darkness of the night'. Probably this picture will make you wonder.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Hi,sorry for the long gap for those who were following my posts. I have tried my hand at writing but it doesn't appear to be my cup of tea,so from now my blog will consist of paintings,by me yes, I am a painter too....Since this is my first picture in the blog its an auspicious one. Its a picture of Lord Ganesha.