“Change is the only permanent thing in life”. We have all said or heard this at least once in our lifetimes. Nothing ever remains the same, each day our lives change, we become wiser or more ignorant, objects become old, memories fade away, wounded hearts are healed, the weather changes, even the sun and the moon come up at different times. It’s all changing all the time.
Change often triggers change… When you eventually kick the habit and become transformed, if you introspect carefully you will realize that something in you is not the same, the habit is gone and so is the person who was interested in it… So that habit has triggered a change in you… and the change in you will trigger changes in the people around you and hence the cycle goes on… making it unstoppable and undeniable.
But maybe change is not all that bad a phenomenon, it makes us evolve, makes us learn our mistakes, makes us explore new avenues and sometimes just makes us move on to newer and maybe better addictions…. That’s life… It changes.
Hi Srini...Long time ha..nice topic yar.......
"Change is invertible "which can only happen to Human beings ...again I think when it comes to "Change of habit"...When you are a kid you just do things with no reason cos you like it and then when you are young you got to know more things why you are doing??(brain starts working) and all choose the best to cultivate them in you which you think it is but when you are old "Change stops triggering Change" cos you get habituated with what you are and there Change has end .....Change is only permanent thing in life until and unless there is reason and has value for it which becomes harder if it is with you for longer time...its just what i think....
Hi ra...!
Too good it is. I donno how did u choose this topic. Its very apt for every person in this world. But only thing is when ever change comes one' should mentally prepare to change.. I have a Quote on change.. it goes like this..
"Decided to change ur-self..
Even God can't stop u......
If u r not interested to change..
Even God can't help u.......!"
Hey One more thing..
How did u draw the back ground its soo awesome... thats looks too good for the picture... Is it a paper color or u painted the background also...?
With Warm Wishes..
Vinnu Bhai [Kaundinya].
Hellow Srini..
This is Bhagya.. You are having deep innovations in your mind. Try to come as transparent power. in the sense.. Publish in Public.. If u want help i will help you. One of my request is please make arrangement for the exhibition of all ur blog items.. Not for the Publicity.. Those are giving emotional awakeness in the mind..
Bhagya Priya.
Thanks Vandu.. for your comments.. Keep visiting!!
Thanks anna for youe wonderful comments and wonderful quote too...and yes i painted the entire picture... its in watercolor... unfortunately its not that clear here...
hi.. Bhagya.. I'm surprised and glad that you find my blog worthy of public appreciation...(i will definitely think about it)Thanks a lot... and keep visiting!!
hola! I am terribly sorry about not visiting your blog- seriously- i thought you had given up writing it(trust me, I know as an author of a blog myself-I am off the boil myself). Yeah, I gave you my email id and all that on you orkut account now that you are about to delete it. Cheers! And all the best for your job at cognizant!
PS : Just in case you do want to see moi blog, as infrequently updated as a blog can be, here it is ;) : narayanthefourth.blogspot.com
Yup!! I do agree with you that change is integral to life- and so is addiciton! Life is always about these little hurdles and I do believe that if you fall flat on you backside while trying to kick the habit, whatever vice you may have(not suggesting that you do though), that you shud promptly dust yourself and try again. The essence of life is to keep trying!!! ;)
i totally agree with you narayan... Thanks for visiting...
cheers! will be a regular!! Promise!
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