Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Change triggers Change

“Change is the only permanent thing in life”. We have all said or heard this at least once in our lifetimes. Nothing ever remains the same, each day our lives change, we become wiser or more ignorant, objects become old, memories fade away, wounded hearts are healed, the weather changes, even the sun and the moon come up at different times. It’s all changing all the time.

Change is all prevalent, then why is it one of the hardest things to deal with? We always talk of addiction in severe medical terms, but I feel we are all addicted in more than one ways, we just don’t realize it. Some are addicted to money, some to power, some to lust, some to fame and most to love. Addiction by definition is a condition where we are not able to stop ourselves from wanting something, it becomes beyond our control, almost an involuntary action – a habit. And it is this addiction that makes change so hard… I feel the hardest part of kicking a habit, is to realize that you need to kick it…after all we did get addicted for a reason. Yet I’ve often seen that this realization happens only when you hit ROCK BOTTOM.

Change often triggers change… When you eventually kick the habit and become transformed, if you introspect carefully you will realize that something in you is not the same, the habit is gone and so is the person who was interested in it… So that habit has triggered a change in you… and the change in you will trigger changes in the people around you and hence the cycle goes on… making it unstoppable and undeniable.

But maybe change is not all that bad a phenomenon, it makes us evolve, makes us learn our mistakes, makes us explore new avenues and sometimes just makes us move on to newer and maybe better addictions…. That’s life… It changes.