I spent my new year’s eve at home, and just as the clock struck 12, I heard fire crackers and went to my balcony to see them, as I watched the brilliant display of light by the fireworks I saw some guys…shouting their lungs out… riding their bikes on the empty streets wishing everyone a ‘HAPPY NEW YEAR’. This got me thinking, what’s so happy about just another day? Somehow I've never been able to associate myself with the concept of 'New year Celebrations’. I've never got it really… People party, freak out like there is no tomorrow, spend a whole lot of cash, dance all night and really freak out. Frankly speaking I don't understand what the whole deal is about, isn't it just another day? Like the start of a new month, or the start of a new day, the only difference I really see is in writing the date (which by the way we have stopped doing, since the computer does it automatically). My intention is not to sound cynical, but isn't it obvious that nothing will change, it’s just another day. It’s almost as if, they want a cover, a means to hide all that happened the past year, a celebration to make you forget, to give yourself a new start… But there is a whole different prospective to look at the same issue… a simple question… WHY NOT? And frankly I have no answer... the generation today is so wrapped up in living life mechanically and doing their jobs the right or the wrong way, that any reason to get away from the regular is more than welcome.. Its just man's inherent nature, to hope, to expect in the most impossible of situations, to live and to enjoy... So what if nothing will change? At least we can expect that things can get better... Everybody deserves a second chance, so what if it didn’t work out the last year, have a go at it this year… I figured that each person has their own way of looking at things... For some dancing the whole night does the trick, for some a quite family reunion, for some a night spent in solitude with their thoughts… it is just their means of expression… It is jus their style… In the end, I guess everybody should introspect, realize the wrongs from the rights and I guess usher in the new year with a hope to…(if not anything) BE HAPPY..
PS :- Sorry for the big break.. Didn’t realize I had fans… And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Too Good ra.. The thoughts u have are very nice... Happy new year to u also. enjoy.. It's applicable for me also...
First of all a very Happy new year to you.... I had to think for a while before commenting.... true any break is welcome....
but partying.... drinking.... dancing.... does these things make one feel the peace....
and as far as hope for good and happiness is concerned we have it almost every morning....
hmmmm...i do fully accept ur view ra but evry1 might have thr own view on this topic..so lemme put forward my view ra..
At a glance...partyin and enjoying taking - new year - as a reason might not seem meaningful ra.....but wen v loook at a diff perspective..
don u think ? i mean - if it was myself who woud b asked 2 justify on this ... i wud thnk god that thr is atleast one day that the whole world
( almos 70% )..celebrates in unison...one day , when every1 loook for a new hope..,try 2 gain strength 2 4get the sad moments frm past n cherish
the happier moments tht they had gone thru thr life......
Jus imagine..can u think of creatin such a force or such a notion tht cud make so many people all around the world happy n look 4 +ve hope atleast 4 few moments..
jus in a day...? Only the notion of a new year has tht power ra...
this celebration might not seeem meaningful ..but the question is tho it has no meaning or sense...isnt it bringin smile n hope on2 most of the
To the other extreme..i jus hope i cud create such a force 2 bring the same affect tht a new year does...
ya..i do accept tht it has its own disadvantages...like the money n time spent 4 this celebration could b transferred to eradicate poverty n corruption.
But...if u think in a much more broader sense...thr r many othr small thins or mistakes v make in our lives( unknowingly..due to carelessness n negligence)..
which if corrected...can make this world a much much better place 2 live in...
i would conclude sayin tht....fooolishness can be stupid...but its alwayz better to stay foolish if tht can bring us the real happiness..
ironically..like the fact - people who r mad happen 2 b the most happiest ..:)
Few things in this world have no answer ra..they r jus made 2 b believed...but i don think tht v shud hav ne reason 2 question thr existence..unless
n until they coz ne harm..
this is all i wanted 2 add..in addition 2 ur views..
it a nice topic tht u hav choosen 2 share ur view ra..
Hi.. Jyo, Even i agree that all these things don't really count for happiness.. but each person has their own definition of happiness.. so.. who can define it.. Anyway thanks for dropping by..
happy new year srinija i am i am sreekanth
Woah- a long time for a new post- i thought you had given up; hence the delay in posting this. First of all happy new year (nearly three months late, i know). How is your project running? and what are your plans? Anyways i hope theres a gr8 year in store for us! cheers!
"...the generation today is so wrapped up in living life mechanically and..."
Aren't you part of this generation ? ;-)
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