Sunday, November 16, 2008


Isn't it what everyone is after… the ultimate goal of every human soul is to be happy… the ways and means of achieving the same depend on the individual though. The rationale behind all of human activities simply points to one direction -> " I want to be happy" . Now let's come to a fundamental question… what exactly is happiness… Considering the amount of free time I have had lately… I can confirm for sure that there are a lot of definitions… definitions based on the genre your are relating happiness to… What makes us happy is sometimes a mystery even to ourselves… we seen in our daily life that what we perceive will give us happiness, once achieved does not deliver… You start feeling maybe this was not it… and you go hunting again… somehow the cycle never seems to end… a plausible theory could be that maybe we find happiness in the hunting part than actually getting there… but I somehow feel that a very cynical way of looking at it… even so what gives us happiness is totally a personal choice, some feel that if everyone around them is happy, then they are happy… but then there are people who derive happiness from others misery – sadists…

I think the million dollar question is… "is there something called true and absolute happiness?" Is there something that can deliver the same amount of joy to everyone that comes in contact with it…? Sounds utopian right??

At this point most would point to GOD… all spiritual leaders(irrespective of religion) will tell you… that seeking god consciousness, being connected to god will make you a very happy person... you have to strive for it… work hard in that direction, you will see the effect eventually… there is just no instant gratification… But then what is wrong with instant gratification? As mentioned in the first paragraph… instant gratification only satisfies instantly... We want something everlasting, not ephemeral… So now we know why we are looking for absolute happiness.But there is something that is still not clear. Consider this, You are successful… you feel happy… so you always try to be successful… it's a straight – forward co-relation. When you are not successful, you associate it with sadness… and you strive for success i.e. happiness again… My point here would be that there is a reason; hence there is a relation (you relate success with happiness) which forms the reason and results in a action… It's not rocket science… You like to be with the people who love you… it makes you happy… Relation – love with happiness, hence you want to be with people who love you… If God is the key to all the joy in the world… then my question would be, how are you supposed to relate to it?? What is the co-relation, because the co-relation forms the reason and reason results in action… so it all boils down to how you associate yourself with that joy. Its like this, if you don't know how a chocolate tastes… then there is no desire to want it… but when you know,then you want it. With the amount of reading that I have done in this area… there is a reason, its just very subtle, very simple yet it doesn't ring a bell in everyone's head. The reason is you get tired… you simply get tired of the whole deal… the being happy, then being sad again… the whole happy-sad-happy-sad game tires you out… so you are to strive for the ultimate, which ends this happy-sad cycle… It sounds perfectly fine theoretically… but in the real thing is a whole different ball game.

All of this is my analysis of HAPPYness, tell me what makes you happy?? What is your answer to something that would give equal joy to all…? I'm sure these questions will make you think long and hard…and I'm hoping atleast some replies...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Change triggers Change

“Change is the only permanent thing in life”. We have all said or heard this at least once in our lifetimes. Nothing ever remains the same, each day our lives change, we become wiser or more ignorant, objects become old, memories fade away, wounded hearts are healed, the weather changes, even the sun and the moon come up at different times. It’s all changing all the time.

Change is all prevalent, then why is it one of the hardest things to deal with? We always talk of addiction in severe medical terms, but I feel we are all addicted in more than one ways, we just don’t realize it. Some are addicted to money, some to power, some to lust, some to fame and most to love. Addiction by definition is a condition where we are not able to stop ourselves from wanting something, it becomes beyond our control, almost an involuntary action – a habit. And it is this addiction that makes change so hard… I feel the hardest part of kicking a habit, is to realize that you need to kick it…after all we did get addicted for a reason. Yet I’ve often seen that this realization happens only when you hit ROCK BOTTOM.

Change often triggers change… When you eventually kick the habit and become transformed, if you introspect carefully you will realize that something in you is not the same, the habit is gone and so is the person who was interested in it… So that habit has triggered a change in you… and the change in you will trigger changes in the people around you and hence the cycle goes on… making it unstoppable and undeniable.

But maybe change is not all that bad a phenomenon, it makes us evolve, makes us learn our mistakes, makes us explore new avenues and sometimes just makes us move on to newer and maybe better addictions…. That’s life… It changes.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

a HAPPY new year?

I spent my new year’s eve at home, and just as the clock struck 12, I heard fire crackers and went to my balcony to see them, as I watched the brilliant display of light by the fireworks I saw some guys…shouting their lungs out… riding their bikes on the empty streets wishing everyone a ‘HAPPY NEW YEAR’. This got me thinking, what’s so happy about just another day? Somehow I've never been able to associate myself with the concept of 'New year Celebrations’. I've never got it really… People party, freak out like there is no tomorrow, spend a whole lot of cash, dance all night and really freak out. Frankly speaking I don't understand what the whole deal is about, isn't it just another day? Like the start of a new month, or the start of a new day, the only difference I really see is in writing the date (which by the way we have stopped doing, since the computer does it automatically). My intention is not to sound cynical, but isn't it obvious that nothing will change, it’s just another day. It’s almost as if, they want a cover, a means to hide all that happened the past year, a celebration to make you forget, to give yourself a new start… But there is a whole different prospective to look at the same issue… a simple question… WHY NOT? And frankly I have no answer... the generation today is so wrapped up in living life mechanically and doing their jobs the right or the wrong way, that any reason to get away from the regular is more than welcome.. Its just man's inherent nature, to hope, to expect in the most impossible of situations, to live and to enjoy... So what if nothing will change? At least we can expect that things can get better... Everybody deserves a second chance, so what if it didn’t work out the last year, have a go at it this year… I figured that each person has their own way of looking at things... For some dancing the whole night does the trick, for some a quite family reunion, for some a night spent in solitude with their thoughts… it is just their means of expression… It is jus their style… In the end, I guess everybody should introspect, realize the wrongs from the rights and I guess usher in the new year with a hope to…(if not anything) BE HAPPY..

PS :- Sorry for the big break.. Didn’t realize I had fans… And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!