This is coming much after mother's day and father's day,but this post of mine is dedicated to mums and dads. Mum is the word when it comes to having love for their kids... Why is it so? Have you ever seen a picture like this with a dad in place of mom?? My guess is no. That makes me wonder why dad's don't get the same kind of credit for the love they shower on their kids as mom's.Is it simply because dad's are not emotionally expressive or is it because guys and emotion don't go well...or is it just a bias that exists in our social system... I really haven't been able to figure this one out...
I really feel that the love parents have for their kids doesn't change,the emotion is not tampered with age,it simply ripens with age,becomes better with time like wine. Anyway this article is meant to show that, its not mum or dad,its our parents love that never changes,no matter what else changes in this world... Its one thing we can count on where everthing and everyone else turns our back on us....
P.S-I bet most of my readers won't agree with me.. but I'm not talking about personal lives but about general perception... Although the trend seems to be slowly changing..
Hey Nisha, even though both moms and dads shower the same love, but through experience what i feel is, there is a fine thin line drawn between them which is 'Patience'. I believe women are much more stronger emotionally and hence gather all the strength. This is the strength that creates an unbroken bond between the child and the mother. We women only realise this when we become a mother. Because it is we who go through many emotions as it is we 'who give birth'. It is the kind of bonding that develops during and after birth which is first in case of mom.That is the reason u see such kind of pictures rather than a dad in place of mom.I do not mean that they do not shower love as much as a mom. But there are subtle differences.
Hi Sri..! The Picture is too good. it's expressing the mother love and care. the colors used as background are very attractive and beautiful.
----- Vinod.
hii,that was a great depiction of mother's love for her child..I personally feel that women have a great level of understanding and they are emotionally very strong.I dont deny the fact that dads also shower equal love but nobody can take the place of a mom as she expresses it very wonderfully.And you have potrayed it very well...
Thanks all for visiting... Like I said most of my readers won't agree with me... But still i feel that just because dads are not expressive enough they are not understood well,but then again i'm not a mum myself to realize what it feels like.. So lets just say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion...
Hey... nice pictures after a really long hiatus... well what u said about mums and dads changes from family to family... It all boils down to who can understand their children better... and also those who are more emotionally expressive wid their love
Cheers- narayan
Thanks for visiting Narayan!!!
hii.. nice painting.. it expresses mothers love towards her children.
i feel that dads are less expresive than moms... sudha
Thanks for dropping by Sudha..
Really a cute pic :)
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