Sorry for the break I took, I was quite busy cramming for my exams. But now that they are finished I’m free as a bird… I also happened to have visited my brother recently. My trip was by bus and at night, you know when you got to the outskirts of any city, you happen to notice a lot of trees… mostly trees that are dried out, well I too noticed some…
As simple as these trees look, they just got me thinking… these trees are so solemn, so silent. They just witness everything that goes by them without even a shake of a branch (I don’t mean they can move if they want to, bear with me for a while and I’ll get to the point). They just watch, it doesn’t affect them or change them, life goes on for them. It got me to wonder if ever humans could be like that, if humans could ever live their life without being bothered about the circumstances. That I would say is a task quite impractical and simply impossible. We humans are affected even by the slightest movement in the room,though it doesn’t concern us in anyway. Wish we could be more stable, more self sufficient in terms of not being affected by things. In one way we are, when we don't bother about certain things, but that's not stability, it's simply ignoring the facts and not acknowledging events. Stability of this kind is a distant dream, but if ever achieved then probably we could understand the silence of the trees in its true sense.
I quite disagree with you when you say it is impractical and impossible to not be affected by happenings around us. I believe that we all do it to some measure in our every day lives. For people who lead a spiritual life far from the materialistic attachments, unattachment is their bread and butter. Having said that I like your painting.
your thoughts are good... it is i agree quite improbable until and unless you just want to ignore something and just want to follow a spiritual path... that you can do if you are able to do that... i remember once you told me... that you are very spiritual...
hey..thanks for your comments... but i would appreciate it if you revealed your identity the next time.. anyway keep visiting..
I impressed with your thoughts because these are similar to mine. But I obserbed that most of us just have this kind of thoughts, actions are not there at all. I come across many people who has these kind of thoughts. Why does it happen? I also used to have thought only but I realized that we should act rather than only thinking. Recently, I visited few orphanage and oldage home and spent some time those people, I really felt great!! We alwayt run behind many and luxuarious but never realize that there are some people who do not have food, clothe and shelter. I do not blame others but would like to say we should not be selfish to fillfull our needs and always search for luxuary. As you said about dry tree who doesn't get affected. I would take expample of a green and fruitfull tree who provides fruit, leaves, shadow, shelter, wood, oxyzen, etc. and these all things without expecting anything from others. On the other hand take the example of us, we have a lot of expectations even when we do small help. Moreover, tree bares all the seasons and other problems and even they do not feel bad or get affected. But, we get affected if any one comment us or any other way.
" Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny"
hi anonymous3...thanks for your comments... i really appreciate it... i agree you should take responsibility and shape your own destiny... but the real trouble comes when things don't work out like planned...that's when your confidence goes down the drain and you just lose everything... Just one more thing please leave your name after every comment... keep visiting
Hi Nisha ji, As you said that the real trouble comes when things doesn't work as we plan. Do you think, is there anything impossible to do? This is the only cause of our failure. When we plan something and start working on it, if it works smoothly, we are happy and willing to work, but if we get trouble, we are ready to give up. 70% people in the world just plan the things and see that there are lot of troubles to accompalish it, they do not start at all. 20% people in the world, plan and start it but they quit after getting any trouble. 5% people in the world quit when they are just about to reach the goal. Rest of the 5% people in the world are consistant determined towards their goal and stick to it untill it is not reached. These 5% people are called SUCCESSFULL PEOPLE. There is no work that can be accompalished without trouble and there is no success without failure. Did you read acount Abrham Lincon , how many times he failed and got lots of troubles but at last he became Presedent of America. I have leart that trouble is the life, and the troubleless life is like a dry tree which has nothing to give and take. I would say that NEVER EVER GIVEUP whether you strive for a bite and you will see at last, you will have everything.
"Awake, arise and stop not till the gaol is reached"
You asked to leave the Name, I am really sorry to say that there is lot of pain when you attach with some one, so it is better to be anonymous.
hi anonymous4... firstly thanks for visiting... Hey I would like to tell is... plz there is no need for so much formality(with 'ji' and all)...chill dude,we are all friends here... After reading your comment I must say the first thought that came to my mind was that..this one's really good at mathematics.. Yes you are right very few reach success but isn't success defined by each individual personality and lifestlye.. Really speaking success is being happy wherever you are.. One more thing all these things are good to read and nicer to say,but when it comes to implementation it's hard,really HARD. I like your last line..attatchement causes pain,but if only we were unattacthed from everyone..is there really any point in living life that way...in solitude.. think about it and plz leave your name next time.
Hi Nisha, I would like to say that in my point of view the "JI" word indicates respect towards individual. My Parent taught me to respect every person you meet(intact, I do not persuade or do formality)...Yes you are right that success is defined by individual. But we cannot blame many of the individual who do not get succeeded because they do not have proper guidance, Education, environment and more many things which hinder them to get succeed. Few years ago I was clueless about my goals and my vision. But, now one cannot believe how did I get this changed, It is only guidance, environment and so.... We always busy to find out the way to get more pleasure but we never realize until to death that what is our duty to perform as human being, "TO HELP OTHERS. Our heart should be pure with devotion to help other because it is worship of GOD. We should always speak for success wherever we are because it creates positive impact on the mind and in the environment we live. Success is definately depends on one's personality and life style but there are few things to keep in mind in all the circumstance to get succeed. Every person has their own definition of Success. Some thinks to earn more and more Money is success and some thinks it is name and Fame and so on, But successful people never give importance Money, Name/fame and such things but they focus what to do and how to do but without hurting the people but help people in all the ways. You define the work HARD, this is very dearer word for me because I have realized the fruit which is hidden in it. Well, about my name, I think you know me very well and if you cannot remember me, I am sorry that I am hasitance to disclose it because I think you have a habit to forget old friends and make new friends. Any ware, I liked your way of thinking and so.....but just I want to be anonymous. Thanks a lot.
Hi, don't blame me for something i don't do... i remember all my old friends,and they are all still very close to my heart though we might not have been in contact for some years now. But i have to admit my weakness that I cannot identify my friends from their style of writing... last time i ask u...care to identify yourself?? But i think your are more comfortable being anonymous so its fine by me... thanks for visiting...!!
Hi,,,,, It is universal truth that the truth is bitter than pioson and we always try to avoid the situation, friends and so on...which tell truth about us. It is not ones fault but the nature of human being. I am sorry if I hurt you by those words. but I must tell you that I always live in truth and believe in it. A true friend will never give you false appreciation... because it comes out from pure heart. I always pray to GOD for all of my friends for happiness. Well, I can be blamed becuase GOD gave me pure heart to live in this false world. Thanks for reading comments.
Hi, thanks for visiting once again... you seem to have been emotionally hurt because of something in your life... I apologise if I in some way have hurt you...
Hi, I really appreciate you that you took the comments as comliments. I know you are so nice person, I love to read your writings that is the reason I take out little time from my busy shcedule and read your comments and write some thing to get your writing back. Please do not take any thing on the heart, I know girls are more sensitive to get hurt even with small things. There are many friens but "A true friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out."
hi last anoynomous... plz leave your name next time and thanks for visiting...
You should truly look at a profession in this field !
Pyaar kamjor dil se kiya nahi ja sakta,
Zeher Dushman se liya nahi ja sakta,
Dil mein basi hai ulfat jis pyar ki
us ke bina jiya nahi ja sakta.
Saath rehte rehte yuhin waqt guzar jayega
Door hone ke baad kaun kise yaad aayega
Jee lo ye pal jab humsath hai
kal ka kya pata, waqt kahan le jayega
"I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS"
I have the “I”,I have the “L”,I have the “O”,I have the “V”,I have the
“E”,… so pls can I have “U”?
"You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always…"
Shaam Hote Hi Chiragon Ko Bujha Deta Hoon
Yeh Dil Hi Kaafi Hai Teri Yaad Main Jalne Ke Liye
Yeh Teri Bhi Aankhon Ka Qusur Hai
Main Tanha Gunahgar To Nahi
Tu Is Tarah Se Mere Dil Main Shamil Hai
Jahan Bhi Jaoon Lagta Hai Teri Mahfil Hai
Duniya bhar ki khushiyan hamare saath chali
Qadam mila ke jo hamare saath aap chali
Haath deewane ke de allah kuch aisi qalam,
Aasman par likh ke jaoon hai unhi se pyaar hai...
You do not know that you are soooo nice and atleast I cannot express it in words................................
hi last anonymous...
i don't expect you to leave poems in blog as comments... plz don't repeat and i would appreciate if you left your name after commenting...
Madam, I thought you are mature enough but it is not. You are still teen and it will take little time to make you understand what was written in those lines. Those who visit this blog must have understood it. If you did not understand, please take help from some of your freind who has pass this stage.
Thanksa and Regards.....
hello anonymous... I think you din't get me... I quite understood your poems but not its relevance to my post..And not that is matters but just for your information I'm not a teenager anymore and have quite reached the levels of maturity to understand your poems... One request leave your name next time..
Hey dear, If you have understood the line and mature enough, you must realize that there is no even single word which is not related to the blog. If you read it and look deeply into your heart, you could realize the meaning of those lines....if not I am sorry for those lines and I will never do this crime again with your blogs...I do not want to break your little heart.... I am sorry for the name as I mentioned it gives too pain if you attach with some one.. so it is better to be ano....as you said..
hi anonymous...
My intentions were not to offend you,I apologise if i did.. Take care and keep visiting..
Your best picture so far... i like the choice of colours and the contrast of the entire pic... when do have time to do all of this.. anyways, do remember that if we did not respond to the urgent calls of our life, i wouldn't have been able to use my computer to write to u.... but i do appresiate your spirtuality... sorry wasn't able to visit long
cheers- narayan
Thanks Narayan for taking out time to visit my blog... Keep visiting...
You Girls always try to fool boys.....Way??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
don't know much of phiplosophy. but would agree that eyes r the perfect mode of communication.
Rahul M
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