Communication has become really easy in today's world... we always carry our cell phones with us.. Wi-Fi networks keep us connected to our far far away friends and to the world at large, still I feel somewhere somehow we are missing out... Missing out on communicating, not just communicating , but communicating rightly...If communication has become simple then our lives have become very complex....
What's missing is just a couple of minutes...sometimes, that's all the time you need... to say... "Hello What's up?", " are you doing?", "Are you free? I just need to talk to someone", "I miss you", "I love you"... just a few minutes is all you need... But I hear constant cribbing that "It's been ages since I talked to my college friend", "I remembered your birthday, but just didn't have enough time to wish you the same day", "I was just about to call you". How many times have we sent the message "Busy. Wil cal back" and never do? How many times have you seen a missed call from a friend and never cared to respond? I find it really hard to explain this attitude of ours...
There is a strange paradox on our generation, on one hand it is criticized for spending too much time on the phone, at the same time we are also mocked for not maintaining relationships...Isn't communication part of maintaining relationships? It is very strange. We talk , but do we really TALK? Okay I know I'm not making any sense...
Bottom line is "Never lose your friends cause of the distances created". Today's generation doesn't have good enough excuses to lose touch..
PS:- Had to come up with a post for a nice click... Excuse the shoddy work!
Yaa !! U did thaT to me !! :P
Called you yesterday... will be calling you today... :D , I'm saying we are all at fault...
Thats a very valid argument Srinija... Unfortunately, I'm mostly at the receiving end... :( Now as per the classification you have made, the CALL BACK part is quite simple to handle. Just make sure you do it every time, to everyone(I do it :D).
But taking the initiative to call, is entirely governed by our calculative mind which is usually confined to a select few, whom you believe in... These days we hardly find anyone who would call a friend just like that( Its wrong, but thats how we are)...
Vaisakh - Like I always say... you are one of those "nice guys" - a rare species really... I got ur spelling right this time :P.. Thanks for visiting...
Using the word 'generation' generalizes it ( my opinion). Many are guilty of what you said, but to me it boils down to this, whether it is cellphone or conventional telegram, one will respond to who one cares about enough to respond to! Time has become a word that seems to very high on the misuse list...."I don't/didn't have the time"'s never an explanation, it is ALWAYS an excuse (my generalization)...admittedly it stings when you expect a reply from someone you think is close and it never comes, but feels a million times comforting, when they do, despite the wait! :)
The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished ~ George Bernard Shaw. Isn't that true the above lines?...
Communication and tech at the beginning used generally for transferring messages or information. Later people used the same comm and tech to
start and develop relationships, friendships,etc..and now due to usage of the same we are beginning to worry about losing those relationships. Its like we ignore the person who is front of you for the person whom we going to communicate elsewhere.
According to me,
--> when you want to share your happiness to the other, do it in person (try if possible)
--> when you don't want to then reply through technologies.
I like this blog website due to the quality of a description. I say thanks to you srinija for this Wonderful Blog. Let Me Share This on My Face Book Page. So I'll go thru' them in detail whenever I've time.. You have done a wonderful job so far.
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