The sun rises and the sun sets and things jus go on... Lets take a normal working man... he's in the so called IT industry which is expanding every second... he's everything that today’s youth represents clubs,parties,gadgets and money. He finds himself 'enjoying life' or so it is termed by the youth today. He finds himself sitting among a group of friends at the hottest club in town... as the alcohol in his hand slowly goes down his throat a thought strikes him, it hits upon him that he is completely alone, that he has no one by his side (Ever had that feeling of being in a group yet felt as if you were all alone)
He makes a silly excuse to his 'friends' and comes back to his posh apartment (not 'home').He enters the dark living room, switches on the lights as if to find someone...he wants to talk to someone... someone who'll just hear him out... but no ones around and it’s too late to be calling family...
He gets frantic and searches the entire house as if to look for something... rather someone... Disheartened and disappointed he comes back to his 'living room'(where only he lives) sits in front of the TV and watches(not actually watch but flipping through channels looking for 'something') till he dozes off..
The next day...sun rises and again he falls back into his routine... the same schedules, the same deadlines, the same parties and life... well life just goes on...
I too am a part of this youth and have taken time to be introspective... is this the life of youth today?? Are we 'enjoying' life or have we forgotten what life means in the first place?
Your blog clearly suggests the medciority and hypocrisy of today's youth...the world is itself a rat-race where each is trying to outdo his ownself and emotions have become as common as an oasis in a desert!
oopps...got carried away!!!
a skillfully crafted one...
good goin!
hii nisha..
i feel this painting reveals the best of ur art..i totally agree tat we are forgetting wat life means in its true sense and i bet many people still dont realise this..life's so busy tat u dont even hav time to talk with ur family...i term this as 'ENJOYMENT' at a superficial level..and i think through this article atleast people will realise that there's something or someone more important than just 'ENJOYMENT' in life..great depiction of the inner mind..keep it up..
hi.. siddarth ,i agree that life is reduced to nothing but a rat race.. thanks for visiting..
hi khushi.. ya its right when you say that people don't realize the superficiality.. i hope atleast to bring about that realization through my blog.. thanks for visiting..
Your thoughts are spot on (I am feeling a sense of deja vu having read "The monk who sold his ferrari" yesterday).I feel the youth and society today lack the courage and conviction to steer clear from stereotypes........why cant people accept that everyone cant exactly be like one another.
Life is all about making choices,unfortunately....... we choose to live a materialistic life and WE are surely gonna have to pay the price..........a price much greater than for the fun we had when we were ENJOYING our life.
keep blogging.
hi anonymous.. I think the problem is that the youth doesn't dare to be different,the simple question that they raise is 'Why bother?' Like you said we'll be paying a very heavy price for this attitude..Thanks for visiting...Plz leave your name next time..
What's wrong with being alone. We are born alone aren't we ? ALONE is a temporal (or should I say) an illusive insecurity created by the self aka "ego". No one's alone.
Nice picture by the way...
Hi.. Srikar.. I din't say anything about being alone.. I was just trying to emphasize about the monotony in today's life.. and how mechanical it has become.. Thanks for visiting!!!
It's nice ra. There's one phrase "There is nothing good and bad but thinking make it so". when i saw this picture by my possitive sign i feel that it's like this
" that half moon is the life of human in present generation. In the world of dark ness ur life is like moon the two 'Diya's are shwing the parents. by their support (NOSE) ur life is very SMILY. that's it...
Simply superb.... keep positive thinking... take care
WOW!!.. Thanks koundinya.. I dint expect such a detailed anaylsis of my own painting.. you showed me the painting in new light.. Thanks n keep visiting!!
Goals... is what we all need in life. I mean one's own goals.
ya.. thats right poorna.. Thanks for visiting..
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