The sun rises and the sun sets and things jus go on... Lets take a normal working man... he's in the so called IT industry which is expanding every second... he's everything that today’s youth represents clubs,parties,gadgets and money. He finds himself 'enjoying life' or so it is termed by the youth today. He finds himself sitting among a group of friends at the hottest club in town... as the alcohol in his hand slowly goes down his throat a thought strikes him, it hits upon him that he is completely alone, that he has no one by his side (Ever had that feeling of being in a group yet felt as if you were all alone)
He makes a silly excuse to his 'friends' and comes back to his posh apartment (not 'home').He enters the dark living room, switches on the lights as if to find someone...he wants to talk to someone... someone who'll just hear him out... but no ones around and it’s too late to be calling family...
He gets frantic and searches the entire house as if to look for something... rather someone... Disheartened and disappointed he comes back to his 'living room'(where only he lives) sits in front of the TV and watches(not actually watch but flipping through channels looking for 'something') till he dozes off..
The next day...sun rises and again he falls back into his routine... the same schedules, the same deadlines, the same parties and life... well life just goes on...
I too am a part of this youth and have taken time to be introspective... is this the life of youth today?? Are we 'enjoying' life or have we forgotten what life means in the first place?