Sorry for the break I took, I was quite busy cramming for my exams. But now that they are finished I’m free as a bird… I also happened to have visited my brother recently. My trip was by bus and at night, you know when you got to the outskirts of any city, you happen to notice a lot of trees… mostly trees that are dried out, well I too noticed some…
As simple as these trees look, they just got me thinking… these trees are so solemn, so silent. They just witness everything that goes by them without even a shake of a branch (I don’t mean they can move if they want to, bear with me for a while and I’ll get to the point). They just watch, it doesn’t affect them or change them, life goes on for them. It got me to wonder if ever humans could be like that, if humans could ever live their life without being bothered about the circumstances. That I would say is a task quite impractical and simply impossible. We humans are affected even by the slightest movement in the room,though it doesn’t concern us in anyway. Wish we could be more stable, more self sufficient in terms of not being affected by things. In one way we are, when we don't bother about certain things, but that's not stability, it's simply ignoring the facts and not acknowledging events. Stability of this kind is a distant dream, but if ever achieved then probably we could understand the silence of the trees in its true sense.