Sunday, February 19, 2006

The eyes that speak.

Eyes i believe are the most powerful way of communication and probably the best. Simply by the way you look at a person can speak volumes. Its not showing what you feel but its just something that is evident and that is quite very obvious. But the pitiful thing about this form of communication is that often people don't realize it exists...truly,its a pity,so I wanted to enlighten all bloggers about this form of communication.Just look into her eyes...don't they say so much to you?? So the next time you see someone....actually look at their eyes, I promise you can see right into their hearts..


Anonymous said...

ya i do very well blieve in wat u say....they do xpress a lot..ur sketch is goood..but jus c my blog (in few dayz)2 kno how beautiful they can b..??ok?

Anonymous said...

hey...ur sketch is really goood..jus check my site..