From the time this semester has started, I’ve noticed an increasing sense of urgency all around me. It was as if everyone (including me) had woken up from a deep slumber. GRE’s, CAT’s, CAMPUS CONNECT, Paper presentations that’s all I hear these days… I guess all of us are just beginning to realize that we are nearing the end of one protected road and moving on to a platform called the ‘ BIG BAD WORLD ‘ . Putting it more plainly all of us are just worried about our future and we want to be sure that we have picked the right path and are doing everything right. As if this wasn’t daunting enough a task this sense of urgency brings along a whole sack of questions, to which no one but TIME has the answer. Will I make it? What if I don’t? Where will I go from here? How is life going to be? We know we aren’t getting any answers any time soon but that doesn’t stop us from asking the questions.
As this semester comes to an end, an inevitable realization is hitting me (hitting me real hard!!). That within a matter of 1 year i.e. 52 weeks all our lives will change beyond recognition. Some will leave the country, some the state, some will move back to their home towns. People will move on to better and higher venues, all busy trying to carve a niche for themselves in this highly competitive world. What really bothers me is that I’ll be missing my FRIENDS. YA, we’ll be in touch with them and all but it won’t be the same thing. Going out for pani puri, bunking college to see the latest bollywood flick, raiding our closets to pick out a certain ‘look’ for a certain ‘thing’, those long talk and walks that just got you that much closer, I’m going to miss all of that. In the end I guess, Time is your only true friend, it moves with you, sometimes it makes you run at others you got to really drag it out, but that’s how it always is. I just hope all of us go on to do what we really want and I wish the best for each one of us. (Maybe this realization hit me a bit soon, but its good I guess coz it made me realize(hopefully you too) I just got one year and I got to make the full of it… So LIVE IT UP!!… this time ain’t coming back.. NEVER!!!