This is coming much after mother's day and father's day,but this post of mine is dedicated to mums and dads. Mum is the word when it comes to having love for their kids... Why is it so? Have you ever seen a picture like this with a dad in place of mom?? My guess is no. That makes me wonder why dad's don't get the same kind of credit for the love they shower on their kids as mom's.Is it simply because dad's are not emotionally expressive or is it because guys and emotion don't go well...or is it just a bias that exists in our social system... I really haven't been able to figure this one out...
I really feel that the love parents have for their kids doesn't change,the emotion is not tampered with age,it simply ripens with age,becomes better with time like wine. Anyway this article is meant to show that, its not mum or dad,its our parents love that never changes,no matter what else changes in this world... Its one thing we can count on where everthing and everyone else turns our back on us....
P.S-I bet most of my readers won't agree with me.. but I'm not talking about personal lives but about general perception... Although the trend seems to be slowly changing..